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Canteen Facility

A spirit with a vision is a dream with a mission.

Our Canteen

M.L.S. College

The definition of a cafeteria is a self-service restaurant where you select and pay for food yourself, or a dining area where meals can be purchased or brought from home. The big room with a lunch line and tables where kids eat their lunches while at college is an example of a cafeteria.The ideal school canteen is one that caters to the broadest possible clientele – taking into account if their patrons identify :

Vegeterian Food
Non-Vegeterian Food
Fast Food

Effective canteen management requires that everyone involved knows its goals and objectives and is familiar with its policies canteen staff and committee develop an implementation plan to achieve policy goals day-to-day operational procedures are structured and enforced staff are adequately trained and supervised staff carry out efficient stock management, accounting and financial procedures staff are familiar with and comply with relevant legal requirements regarding food safety and occupational health and safety standards.

Student Information System

This section will deal with all the information pertaining to a student such as personal, academic, as well as digital documents and student report.


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